I decided (well maybe Naiaa helped a bit ;D) to make myself a blog. I don't really have something else to do so I will try to write a review of some make up products, hairstyling products, donno maybe even share some of my make up ideas, hauls. But I will also share some of my thoughts (I have a feeling that it'll be mainly my thoughts :P), some stuff from my life, etc. So if You have some spare time, feel free to look around, read, comment, write me what you think (even a juicy hate mail).
So about me, my name is Natalia, I'm 20 years old and I live in Poland. Still. Currently I'm studying economy in my city at Technical University of Warsaw. Year ago I was studying Hungarian and Finnish, shame I couldn't continue it. I also enrolled to hairdressing school (2 years), unfortunately my group was closed :/ So much for becoming a hairstylist. So I guess my future plan is becoming an accountant (not boring one lol, it's my main goal), but I dont know if I won't come back to Hungarian or hairdressing.
What more, I like make up, hairstyling, different kind of music, fashion. I liked to take care of my nails too until one split in half giving me loads of pain for weeks :/ *waiting for them to grow again*
I guess that's about it, if you want to know more then just follow my blog, I'll try to keep you updated :)
Now I have to go to sleep, lectures start at 8.30 am, hooray :/. Oh well I have a feeling that I'll run to the bus stop again, so much for some exercise! :)
xoxo :3
no coś ty xD tylko ten jeden okropny zapach :<